Paddo Terrace - Paddington NSW   With a site width of only 3.5 metres, creating space within this classic Paddington Terrace was the biggest challenge. We also wanted to avoid overdevelopment of the site, and to retain a sunny courtyard garden. We u
Paddo Terrace_Floor Plans_CLEAN.jpg
 Paddo Terrace - Paddington NSW   With a site width of only 3.5 metres, creating space within this classic Paddington Terrace was the biggest challenge. We also wanted to avoid overdevelopment of the site, and to retain a sunny courtyard garden. We u

Paddo Terrace - Paddington NSW

With a site width of only 3.5 metres, creating space within this classic Paddington Terrace was the biggest challenge. We also wanted to avoid overdevelopment of the site, and to retain a sunny courtyard garden. We utilised the existing roof space for a cozy bedroom/study, and created a private guest studio to the rear of the site opening up to the garden. Photography: Katherine Lu


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